City of Dallas has begun an initiative to address traffic safety issues that have recently placed Dallas at the top of the list for traffic fatalities within Texas and the nation. You can get involved by providing feedback to the City Council and follow the progress of the Vision Zero Action Plan through the City Council website.
The L.O. Daniel Neighborhood Association along with the Winnetka Heights and Sunset Hill Neighborhood Associations has been participating in a Traffic Calming Task Force created to specifically work on traffic safety issues with the City along the Hampton to Polk sections of Jefferson Boulevard. The support from the City Council member Chad West, DPD and Dallas City Planners has been encouraging and the first steps have been taken to understand the traffic history and current patterns along Jefferson Boulevard.
In the coming weeks a road diet program will start along this stretch of Jefferson that will essentially reduce the number of lanes for both east and west bound traffic to 2. Similar to the study along Hampton earlier in 2020.
Keep up to date with the Traffic Calming Task Force Here